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Code of Conduct

For Officials, Players & Supporters

As a club, Beaumaris takes pride in being recognised as a family club where supporters, players and visitors can come together and enjoy what the club has to offer, both competitively and socially. To ensure we achieve this goal we are all required to observe the following club 'guidelines for expected behavior.

Click Here for Committee & Officials Code of Conduct Document

Respect for Others

The clubrooms and surrounds are a community sporting facility that exists for the enjoyment of all. It is expected that those who use the facilities show total mutual respect for others.

Personal Behaviour

As an official, supporter or player you represent the club, be it 'on the field or off the field'. It is expected that you be responsible and accountable for your behaviour and actions to ensure that you do not bring the club's name into disrepute.


The clubrooms are the focal point for us to enjoy the sporting and social activities and, as such, due regard must be given to maintaining the clubrooms for the enjoyment of all. Your conduct in ensuring that clubrooms and associated fixtures and fittings are requested and properly maintained is expected at all times.

Bar Service

The bar manager will be responsible for the strict adherence to our liquor licence requirements and for the entire operations of the bar. Unless otherwise authorised by the bar manager no one is permitted to enter behind the bar. Increasingly stricter licensing regulations/requirements are being placed on the club and the nominated licence holder and as such non-compliance will place the club at financial penalty or suspension.

Breach of the above 'code of conduct' may result in disciplinary action being taken by the committee.