An important message from VAFA in regards to returning to training & returning to play protocols:
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
The Victorian Amateur Football Association would like to issue the following statement regarding the coronavirus
(COVID-19) Return to Train (RTT) and Return to Play (RTP) protocols.
Today AFL Victoria Return to Training (RTT) protocols were released, please find these attached for your reference.
It is important to note that when, or if, a club resumes training is at the discretion of the VAFA and Club.
Please note the VAFA will advise further in relation to when clubs can Return to Train based upon the protocols
outlined below and attached.
The RTT protocols are specifically related to the return to training for small groups – Phase A.
Further Phases to follow (B – training for large groups) & (C – Return to Play) – will be advised in due course to assist with planning.
The attached protocols are based on the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport:
( and Victoria State Government guidelines around the resumption of sport and recreation activities:
The Toyota AFL Club Help website will also host a range of resources to support clubs to implement and work within the protocols. These include:
1. Return to Play checklist
2. Return to Play education posters
3. FAQs
4. Club training attendance register
5. Register of trained officials
Below is a link to the online training each club is required to complete, which takes around 15 minutes to complete (refer RTT protocols for further information).
- It is important for clubs to note that while May 25 is the date that club sanctioned training can resume within the
scope of the protocols (as advised by AFL Victoria) The VAFA is yet to advise clubs of the date which they can
resume training.
All VAFA Clubs must meet ALL protocols before returning to train – any breach can jeopardise the return to training and playing of community football for everyone.
VAFA Clubs are also urged strongly to liaise with your LGA, School, University or other appropriate authority who grants access to the respective club training venue/facilities in relation to returning to training.
All VAFA participants, officials and volunteers are urged to follow the government's advice on how best to protect yourself from the virus and also practice good hygiene methods, whether at the club, at home or anywhere else in public.
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