24th May 2020
Hi All
Much has happened over the last week in terms of taking steps to resume training for community sport, with a view to undertaking a Season for 2020.
This includes, a release of training protocols by AFL Vic, a release of information around social distancing and community sport, further relaxation of restrictions by the Government, the opening of the National Transfer system, and an agreement reached between AFL Vic and Cricket Victoria to delay the cricket season.
Unfortunately in this new COVID-19 era, it is not as simple as turning up to the oval with a footy and resuming training. There are many issues to be addressed before we can get back to grounds safely. These include insurance and legal considerations, obtaining ground allocations from the Bayside Council which were withdrawn, extensive compliance matters to adhere to during training, as well as education and the appointment of COVID-19 Officers.
As you can appreciate the logistics of organising this are significant on a volunteer workforce, so I ask that all members, both players and parents be patient and supportive as you have demonstrated, so we can work through these issues, and provide the best outcomes for everyone.
The following steps will occur over the next week.
1. Junior Committee meeting on Monday 25th May 2020 to discuss an implementation plan to allow teams to resume training. This will include a thorough review of the protocols that must be signed off before we can resume.
For those keen to understand what these logistics are. I have included the link.
2. On Wednesday 27th May 2020, a meeting to be held with all 26 Club presidents of the SMJFL to discuss the options for Season 2020, as presented by the COVID-19 working party, established by the league.
3. Coaches to be communicated with this week in regards to club requirements and expectations on what a return to training may look like.
4. Club communication will be circulated towards the end of the week, to provide a further update.
So you might ask what you can do to assist?
We strongly encourage all members of the Beaumaris Football Club to download the COVID Safe App to your phones.
If you are interested in assisting the club in adhering to restrictions consider or better yet, undertake the COVID-19 on line training. It only takes 30 minutes. Once complete you will be provided with a certificate. If you could download this, and forward to me, so we can maintain our register of training it would be greatly appreciated. The saying many hands make light work, is very appropriate here.
The Beaumaris Football Club's focus is to prepare our club in the best possible manner, to enjoy a return to footy in a safe and well planned manner.
In the meantime, stay well and safe, and continue to observe the government’s restrictions. We are in this together.
Nicki Spencer
President – Juniors
For and On behalf of the Committee of Management of the Beaumaris Football Club