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Congratulations to BFC Rep Players

Congratulations to the following BFC players who have been selected to represent SMJFL Interleague teams to play this weekend:

Under 14 Boys:

Arki Butler

Harvey Kenny

Tom Roche

Arki & Harvey have both been selected Vice Captains

Under 15 Girls

Div 1 team:

Gabrielle Trajer - selected Captain

Mackenzie Farrington

Chloe Shipton

Div 2 team:

Remy Johnston

Remy Phillip

Erin Selby

Also, special congratulations to Luka Pecer who was selected in the NAB AFL U16 team.

Luka has been picked for the Vic Metro Squad for the June/July National Championships.

Well done to everyone on your selections and good luck.

Go Sharks!

#beaumarisfootballclub #bfcjuniors #interleague

#smjfl #nabu16carnival

May be an image of 11 people, people playing football, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'SEDE MONASH Iniversnh AFL 30 Harvey Kenny ArBut Butler Luka Pecer Remy Johnston sm ISC Erin Selby Chloe Shipton Gabrielle Trajer Mackenzie Farrington Remy Philip'