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2016 Senior Mens Match Reports

Over the last few years the administrators of the clubs website have been compiling and updating a lot of historical information about the club. This ranges from scans of old photos, details about past club administrators and coaches, league and club award winners, past premiership teams, to name a few. There is also a page which will take you to BFC TV.  A channel which has over 223 videos of complete BFC games. While mainly Senior mens there are also Reserves, Under 19s and Womens games. Some going back to 2012. There are also some videos that were used in Tribunal hearings, motivational videos and 20 special interest videos. These are also being added to. Some pages are still under construction but we are getting to them. 

Something we are also interested in is any information anyone may have that can help us update our historical information where we have gaps. Particularly around club awards. Also if you notice anything we have on the site that you believe may be incorrect please let us know.  Please email the Club Historian with any information you may have.

The first of our stories from the Vault relates to the last Senior Mens team Premiership in 2016. Each week during the season a match review was posted on the old Website and on Facebook which also included match highlights and a cartoon. Read the reviews, watch the highlights as the team built it's way to win the Premiership and promotion to the Premier Division of the V.A.F.A.

Click on the following link to access the 2016 Senior Match Reviews

Click on the following link to access BFC TV

Click on the following link to access the History page

Something we will be endeavouring to do is add a news item on a regular basis about something specifically about the History of the club from the Vault.